Our Services

Pоwеr Wаѕhіng & Graffiti Removal

Bу роwеr wаѕhіng уоur dесk, siding, drіvеwау, garages аnd other exterior areas around уоur property, уоu can quickly and effectively remove buіlt-uр dіrt, sediment, and оthеr dеbrіѕ. Thіѕ nоt only helps the аrеаѕ lооk beautiful, but іt саn also rеduсе wear аnd tеаr by getting rіd of mоld, аlgае, chalk, insects, wееdѕ, аnd mоrе. Such buіld-uр wіll, over tіmе, brеаk dоwn аnd cause damage tо wооd / mаѕоnrу and dеgrаdе раіnt / stains.

Speedex can keep your commercial property looking great with power washing and graffiti removal when needed.
Front entrance walkways get a lot of traffic and are prone to significant amounts of dirt, grime, gum and pollution. A professional cleaning can help maintain and renew your walk ways, entrance and other areas that take a beating.

Parking Garage Cleaning

Parking garages and other parking structures and areas get a lot of abuse with vehicles constantly leaking oils and coolants, tires leaving black marks, and people spill drinks and spitting out gum.
We offer different levels of cleaning for parking garage pressure washing.

From a quick rinse to a deep clean including pre-treating oil and grease stains – with EPA water recovery included. Most of the time we use pressure washers for parking garage cleaning.

Graffiti Removal

Vandalism is an ongoing problem in both urban and suburban environments. Nothing makes this concern more clear than the constant appearance of graffiti on building walls everywhere you look.
Hopefully graffiti isn’t a problem for you, but if it does happen, SPEEDEX have the necessary tools to provide graffiti removal as well.

Sidewalk Cleaning
The build-up of dirt and dust, sidewalks are constantly subject to staining by spilled soda, coffee, melting ice cream, leaking garbage cans and gum. The longer these stains are allowed to sit there, the more difficult they will be to remove later.

Our pressure washing services include interior and exterior cleaning services.

Office Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Sat-Sun: By Appointment Only

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